Keto Diet For High Blood Pressure. Salt and Blood Pressure on a Keto Diet. So how is it that people are reporting healthy blood pressure levels and even an improvement in blood pressure on a keto diet?
Blood ketone levels are also showing strong signs in the treatments of certain disorders such as Autism, ALS, Parkinson's disease and MS. Turns out the keto diet can actually be beneficial for those with high blood pressure. High blood pressure (also called hypertension) can be caused by obesity.
Or is it a dietary fad?
Following a low-carbohydrate keto diet may help.
Compare a typical carb-heavy American diet to somebody who is "Keto" - they eat a diet very high in fat, with moderate amounts of protein and minimal amounts of carbohydrates. I had high blood pressure and was on two medications. The top countries of suppliers are India, China, and Japan, from.