Keto Diet For Jamaicans. The key is to scrutinize ingredient lists to make sure that no corn syrup, fructose or other sugars have snuck in. What can you eat on the keto diet?
The keto diet is made up of mostly fats, moderate protein and a small amount of carbs.
This comprehensive keto diet food list can make it easier to eat a ketogenic diet.
Nutritionists explain whether the popular keto diet works for weight loss, keto foods to eat and avoid, combining keto with intermittent fasting, and more. The keto diet is often grouped with other high-fat, low-carb diets such as the paleo or Atkins diets. I had already started to change how I ate but Keto diet the Jamaican Way and Weight Loss: Spicy baked chicken and local veggies #keto #ketodiet #ketoJamaican #ketoCaribbean #lowcarb #Jamaicanfood. • MASSIVE KETO/LOW CARB GROCERY HAUL + KETO RECIPE IDEAS + MACROS