Keto Diet For Hashimotos Disease. Hashimoto's disease can be controlled with a prescription synthetic hormone medication called levothyroxine, plus a balanced diet. The mainstay of treatment for Hashimoto disease is thyroid hormone pills.
There is no specific or permanent cure for Hashimoto, but it can be kept under control to allow all your body systems to function normally.
The ketogenic, or keto diet, is getting more and more popular, and for good reason - it's helped a lot of people lose weight, get healthier, and get more energy.
Learn more about the safety and side effects. Even many keto diet proponents admit that, if the diet's not done "the right way," it can be the opposite of healthy. "If you're not doing that, you're promoting disease in the body—it's that simple," Axe says. It is sometimes called Hashimoto's disease or shortened to Hashimoto's.