Keto Diet For Endurance Athletes. When it comes to weight loss and endurance performance Exogenous Ketone Supplementation and Keto-Adaptation for Endurance Performance: Disentangling the Effects of Two Distinct Metabolic States. The keto diet is often hyped as an effective weight loss tool, but did you ever wonder what it could do to your running performance?
Keto is a weight loss diet.but it doesn't have to be.
Although the ketogenic diet was originally developed as a drug-free way to treat epilepsy, athletes are now voluntarily putting their bodies into a state of ketosis in order to.
Running under controlled conditions is not impaired, but in any real race the athlete will sprint some. Should you start a keto diet if you are an endurance or strength athlete? Unlike calorie restrictive diets that only make you suffer from not enough food, the keto diet actually forces you to kick you carbohydrate addiction.