Party Dessert Bites. Serve as an appetiser, dessert or a. When the sweet tooth comes a-knockin', dish up one these luscious dessert options.
Buttery lemon pound cakes, blackberry cheesecake bites and raspberry ganache cookie tarts are just a few of the petite sweets that could be gracing your dessert table.
This is a fun little way to serve cake without fussing with plates, forks, or.
About So YummySo Yummy brings you fun food ideas and recipes for your cooking and baking adventures. Krispie Treat Party Bites are the cutest desserts ever - go ahead and grab a handful! If I had to choose my favorite part of Halloween, it'd be a hard choice between The pumpkin cheesecake dip is always a winner, as is every other one of the party desserts on this list.