The Most Popular Bathroom Design Mistakes You Should Never Do and Avoid in Your Bathroom

The Most Popular Bathroom Design Mistakes You Should Never Do and Avoid in Your Bathroom

6 Designs Mistakes to Avoid in Your Bathroom and Toilet

Most people say the kitchen is the most important room in the home, but I would argue it’s the bathroom. Most people start and end their day in the shower or at the sink.
After speaking to a few design pros, Many places I looked at, the bathroom was woefully outdated or had zero character.

If you ever have the chance to remodel or make over your bathroom, do your best to avoid these bad regret bathroom design mistakes.

What Designers Say You Should Never Do in the Bathroom

Wood Floors

Wood floors look great, they’re not very practical in a bathroom. Over time, wood will succumb to water damage, and it can be an expensive material to replace. “Any kind of tile will do a better job,” he says. If you can’t resist the look of wood, consider porcelain tiles that come in planks and have graining, meant to mimic the real thing.

Skimpy Storage Space

Anyone who has ever lived in a bathroom with inadequate storage knows what an epic pain it is to find room for toiletries, towels, extra toilet paper, and cleaning supplies elsewhere in your house. Unfortunately, too many people design their bathrooms and completely forget about storage. In addition to allotting room for cabinets and shelves, he advises leaving yourself at least 30 inches of counter space and if you don’t have the room, try to compensate with extra wall hung storage.

Too Trendy Fixtures and Design

You might lust after a modern floating vanity now, but will you like it in 10 or even five years? If there’s a chance the answer is no, skip it. “Putting in a material or appliance that’s very of-the-moment can actually devalue a space, or make the bathroom look so different from the rest of the home it seems weird later.” Other fixtures she thinks lack staying power: wall-mounted faucets and reclaimed wood accents. “Reclaimed wood is very popular, but it won’t endure because in most spaces, it’s not an organic decision.

Inadequate lighting

Enough with the Edison bulbs in bathrooms. These vintage style bulbs look cool, but they don’t emit strong enough light to be able to see yourself clearly. When placing your light fixtures, make sure not to mount them too high. “Your light should be super close to your mirror, almost touching it, “Otherwise the light will create shadows on your face.” Better yet, skip overhead lights completely and install sidelights or sconces on either side of your mirror.

Center Stage Toilet

Lots of people want an open bathroom and will take down walls separating the toilet from the rest of the space. But for very obvious reasons ventilation  privacy it’s nice to have a water closet. We always try to hide the toilet, or at the very least, not make it the focal point. Instead, he advises making your first view the vanity, or if you have the space, a freestanding tub.

Over The Top Design

Bathrooms are meant to be clean spaces, so it makes sense to keep the decorating simple., we suggests decorating with practical items like beautiful containers for your Q-tips and tissues or an eye-catching soap dispenser. This lets you reserve your hidden storage for things you don’t want to see on a daily basis like extra toilet paper or cleaning products.
