Insanely Smart Tips And Hacks to Organize & Declutter Your Bedroom

Insanely Smart Tips And Hacks to Organize & Declutter Your Bedroom

Follow the tips below to declutter messy bedrooms and treat the room with respect and get the clutter out

How to Organize & Declutter Your Bedrooms ?

Bedrooms often become dumping grounds for stuff that doesn’t have a home in your house. When you think about it, you don’t really need more than a bed, a nightstand or two, storage for clothes, shoes and perhaps a home for jewelry and makeup.

The master bedroom is, in my opinion, the most important room in the house to keep decluttered and organized. Tweet: “The master bedroom is the most important room to keep decluttered and organized. After all, we don’t just clean it for guests, we clean it for our own quality of life. We deserve a place to come to at the end of a long day that is a sanctuary, where we can truly relax.

 It is almost impossible to feel peaceful in a cluttered and chaotic environment. We also start our days in this room when we wake up.  Help yourself ease into the day surrounded by order and beauty. If you are married, this is the room where the marriage relationship is nurtured. If you have children, this is the room that is the example to your children of how a bedroom should be maintained. Don’t be one of those parents who tells your children to go clean their room when your room is a mess! My most important advice about your master bedroom, is to look at it differently.

Start by Decluttering the Bedroom Drawers

Take everything out of the drawers and ask yourself the following questions about each item:

  • Does it belong in the bedroom?
  • Have you used it in the last year?

Move it to the room where it belongs.

When you are ready to place items back into the drawers try adding dividers or small containers so you can store like things together.

Bedroom Decluttering Tips

 You don’t have to go to the store to buy something. You can use small gift boxes, shoe boxes, cereal boxes or repurpose plastic containers to hold the items in the drawer.
Get creative – perhaps you won’t have to send as many things to the landfill at the end of the day!

Keep Flat Surfaces in the Bedroom Clear

Or at least keep them almost clear. Moderation is key here. It’s ok to have a few decorations, a lamp or pictures on your dresser or nightstand tops, but try to limit each surface in the bedroom to less than five things. When you have fewer things cluttering the flat surfaces in your bedroom, the space will feel more calming and peaceful.

Use Storage Bins for Kids’ Toys, Seasonal Items or Things You Use Infrequently

Let’s face it, not everything can be tucked away behind a closed door - closets are valuable real estate in a house, so some items like kids’ toys or seasonal clothing/bedding need to go somewhere else.

Kids’ toys can live in baskets, toy chests or even shelves in a bedroom. If you find yourself running out of space for toys, it’s probably time to donate those toys that were a hit for a few weeks but no longer get much attention.

Seasonal clothing, bedding or decorations can be easily stored in plastic or cloth bins that fit under the bed or in a closet. Space-saver bags or even comforter bags are also an option if you’re looking to get bulky items into a smaller space.
