Boxed brownie mix + a 3 ingredient cream cheese topping. It doesn't get any easier than this!

  • 1 box brownie mix
  • 8 oz cream cheese softened
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  1. Prepare the brownies as directed by the box.
  2. Reserve about a cup of the brownie mix before pouring the rest into a greased 9×9 dish.
  3. In a separate bowl, blend together the cream cheese, egg and sugar mixture.
  4. Pour the cream cheese mixture across the surface of the brownie mix.
  5. Pour the reserved brownie mix over the cream cheese. It doesn’t have to be neat- you’re going to do the swirls after this.
  6. Using a toothpick or knife, gently swirl the cream cheese mix around into the mix.
  7. Bake for the amount of time directed on the box + 25 minutes*
I don’t like the cream cheese topping to be TOO sweet, so I used 1/4 cup of sugar. If you’re unsure, mix together the cream cheese and sugar FIRST, then taste it. Add more sugar if you’d like. Then mix in the egg.
It made 9 brownies because I used a 9×9 dish for majorly thick brownies. You can just as easily do it in a 13×9 dish, just use two brownie mixes and double the cream cheese mixture.
The cream cheese topping added about 25-30 minutes to the box recommended cook time because the brownies were so thick. I would cook it for a little over what the box says, and check it. If you’re worried about the top getting too cooked, simply tent some foil over the top.